What Is an SEO Audit and How Does it Help My Business?

seo audit

When you want to improve your online presence or improve your digital marketing strategy, a common first step is performing an SEO audit of your business. Organic marketing through SEO strategies is one of the best ways to reach customers who are looking for your goods and services.

You might catch yourself asking, what is an SEO audit? How will it help my business? Here’s everything you need to know about making this vital first step.

What is an SEO audit?

An audit is a type of evaluation that measures the level of success achieved. In terms of an SEO audit, it’s an evaluation of your website’s SEO strategy, including your presence on a search engine results page and how well your web presence is leading to higher levels of traffic. When performed properly, your SEO audit should tell you how much web traffic you receive, your standing on search results pages, and what aspects of your website are doing well.

When you’re running a quality e-commerce website, performing SEO audits are vital to tracking your success.

What is analyzed in the audit?

The major aspects of your SEO audit will include a technical analysis of your website, an on-page analysis, an off-page analysis, and your standing compared to similar sites as a competitor.

The technical analysis typically monitors your website’s accessibility and index properties. This determines how easily potential clients are able to navigate your site and how quickly search engines, like Google, can crawl and index your pages. Is your e-commerce webpage loading quickly enough? It’s estimated that the typical American will spend more than $1,600 each year on retail therapy alone, so improving your checkout speed and shipping options are essential to making a sale.

The on-page anaylsis will determine the quality of your content and any issues with individual pages on your website. This means that your keyword usage will be combed over and any conflicting topics are removed from your site. On top of that, image rendering will be optimized, meta descriptions will be judged, and titles will be assessed. After all, your website should only contain pertinent information regarding your company and services.

Your off-page analysis will determine your domain rating and how popular your website is among potential clients and business partners. This may include how many websites are backlinking to your site and if you’re utilizing any black hat SEO strategies that are harming your business.

The competitive analysis can help reveal where you’re doing things right and where you should improve based on the success of your competitors.

Looking for an SEO audit?

If you’re looking for a quality SEO service to improve your website, rely on the digital marketing agency that does it all: with Bluesoft Design, you never need to worry about performing regular audits on your own. Contact us today when you want to improve your e-commerce web development and utilize the best SEO services NJ has to offer.

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