Quiz: Are You an SEO Pro?

seo benefitsWhat is SEO?


SEO stands for search engine optimization and refers to various techniques aimed at improving search engines’ ability to discover and rank your website much higher than millions of other distinct websites in reply to a search query. In this way, SEO benefits you by ensuring that potential customers don’t have to scroll through multiple pages of search results to find your business.


How does SEO work?


Blog posts and other content using high-value keywords are among the most potent SEO techniques, providing significant SEO benefits. Approximately 72% of marketing professionals consider quality content creation to be the most effective SEO tactic. In addition, 53% of marketing experts identify blog content creation as their number one inbound marketing priority. In fact, a July 2015 study by Moz and BuzzSumo found that long-form content of over 1,000 words consistently receives a higher number of shares and links than other types of content.


Companies that use a strong keyword in their business name rank 1.5 spots higher than those with weak or no keywords in their name. Those that publish sixteen or more blog posts per month receive nearly 3.5 times more customer traffic to their website than companies that publish a maximum of four monthly posts. In addition, SEO (inbound) leads have a 14.6% close rate, while outbound leads (such as direct mail efforts or print advertising programs) have a 1.7% close rate.


According to the 2017/18 Global Digital Outlook Study, about 43% of marketing professionals worldwide are ramping up their investment in digital marketing. Nearly 50% of businesses are already spending at least half of their entire marketing budget on digital marketing efforts.


What role does social media play?


Almost all (94%) of B2B (business to business) marketing professionals utilize the social media platform LinkedIn as a significant part of their content marketing strategy. According to a study conducted by the Pew Research Center, 72% of adult internet users use Facebook on a regular basis. The Social Media Marketing Industry Report discovered that nearly two-thirds of marketing professionals cited Facebook as the most important social media platform for social media marketing programs. A report from SalesForce Marketing Cloud noted that 83% of customers “love” or “like” when a company responds to them on social media.


SEO services are a great way to drive traffic to your website and increase your business’s visibility and profits!

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