Practical Spring Cleaning Tips For Your Website

nj web design servicesSpring is officially here, which means it’s time to get in gear for some annual spring cleaning. We don’t just mean cleaning and organizing your office, though.

It’s important to remember that your company website needs to be regularly maintained and refreshed to make sure everything’s working properly and looking good. Without periodic updates to your website, you risk losing customers.

This month, take some time out of your busy schedule to spring clean your website. Here are a few tips you can use to guide you through the process.

Update your software and plugins

You’ve probably heard your fair share of horror stories regarding data breaches. To avoid becoming another Equifax, don’t ignore the software and plugin updates that pop up on your website.

These updates address security vulnerabilities and provide additional improvements and features to your site. The longer you go without a software update, the longer you leave a window open to potential hackers.

During your spring cleaning, check for any available updates to the software and plugins you use on your website. Take the time to download the newest version of everything.

Check for broken links

Broken links are one of the most common issues when it comes to website maintenance. They’re also one of the most common things that will send a consumer running from your website.

Avoid the dreaded 404 page by checking for broken links on your website every few months. You can either do this manually or use a free broken link checker to simplify the process. Once you find a broken link, get in there and make some updates.

Make sure your design is up to date

While you’re doing your spring cleaning, take some time to check out the websites of your competitors and others that are in your industry. If your website looks like it’s five years behind your competitor’s, it’s time to give your design an update.

Consider hiring NJ web design services to ensure your website is not only functional but also looks good. Your customers will judge the quality of your business based on the quality of your website.

Looking for NJ web design services?

When it comes to your web design, you have 10 seconds to leave an impression on your consumers and tell them what they’ll get out of your website. After that time, most consumers will leave your site. The NJ web design services of Bluesoft Design can help your business make the most out of those 10 seconds.

Bluesoft Design is a digital marketing agency that offers web design and SEO services to help your website be the best it can be. To learn more about our NJ web design agency and how we can help your business, contact Bluesoft Design today.

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