How Professionally-Built Websites Compare to DIY Sites

In a world where everything is at our fingertips, it’s tempting to think that we don’t need any help from professionals to build a website. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. Creating your own site might prove to be a little more cost-effective, but it can actually hurt your business more than you realize! We will compare sites built by a professional website designer to DIY sites and show why professional websites stand out below. 

Professional Websites Have Premium Tools & Plugins Built into Them

As part of a digital agency, a professional website designer will tend to get many free lifetime subscriptions to premium themes, plugins, and so on that would otherwise cost the user monthly fees out-of-pocket. Considering that these come free for life with your site, professional sites can provide users with a more professional, clean-looking webpage that comes with all of the best tools available. 

Professional Websites Are Mobile Friendly & SEO Optimized

Another big reason professional websites always beat out their DIY counterparts is that they have less to do with design or function – it comes down to mobile optimization and SEO. While professional web designers can create mobile-friendly sites that work on any device, DIY builders often have trouble with this. Especially if they’re not tech-savvy individuals themselves!

Professional websites are also optimized in search engine optimization (SEO). When a user does a Google or Bing search for your business name or website, it will appear in the search results. This is a tremendous asset to have as professional-built websites typically rank higher than their DIY counterparts right from the start! There is a reason that there is a whole niche of professionals that handle this! Trying to optimize your website for search engines on your own will quickly prove to be a can of worms that you might not be ready to open. 

Pro Websites Can Include Hosting, Domain Name & All Other Chore-Like Processes of Ownership

Once you have your own website built by top web designers in NJ, the professional website designer can help you with the hosting, domain name registration, security updates, etc. All of these aspects can quickly add up when it comes time for you to set them all up on your own!

All in all, if a professional makes websites for a living, they’re going to be better at it than someone who does it as a side project. This is why professional websites tend to convert better, rank higher in search engines, and look more professional than DIY sites – even if they cost a little more money upfront!

You Always Have Someone to Call When the Need Arises

Are you having problems posting a new blog to your site? Or, trying to add a new picture onto your homepage, adjust the colors, and so on? If you make a DIY website, you will more or less be on your own. But professional website designers in NJ and web design companies in New Jersey can usually help you when you need it. 

DIY Sites Can Take a Lot of Research to Finish

If you are new to making a website, navigating a platform like WordPress, Shopify, Wix, and so on can be exhausting. You might spend lots of time on Google trying to figure out how to make certain things work or which themes are best for your site. 

The professional web designer in NJ will also be able to offer input on what is best for you and your business – even if it means saving time down the road! For example, they might notice that a theme you picked won’t accommodate all of the needs you have. Instead, they can probably provide you with a premium theme included as part of their service charges. 

DIY Sites Are Much More Prone to Hackers & Security Issues

When professional web designers in NJ create your website, they use the latest security protocols and best practices to ensure that nothing goes wrong. Not to mention, they know how to protect your site from security breaches, and in the worst-case scenario, how to recover a hacked website. 

However, if you attempt to build a site on your own – it might be more easily compromised by hackers or viruses since this is not their area of expertise! Be sure to weigh all options available before deciding to hire a professional website designer or trying to do things on your own. 

DIY Sites May Seem Cheaper, But Investments Quickly Add Up

As we mentioned, one benefit of hiring professional web designers in NJ is that they will be able to hook your site up with premium themes, plugins, and so on. Although you might not initially see the value in spending money on web design, this will quickly add up when you have to do it yourself. You will soon notice needs that you didn’t anticipate, forcing yourself even to invest more than you would have with one of the best web design companies in New Jersey

There are professional website designers in NJ who can help with all issues imaginable! You might find that even a professional-built site requires some maintenance every now and again, which you simply might not have the time to handle. Instead, you will want to focus on building sales, connecting with customers, and so on. Let the professionals take on all the technical stuff behind the scenes, if possible! 

Looking to Build a Website for Your Business? 

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Having a website is a great way to build customers, gain trust among your clients, and be more easily found by those interested in your services or products. Here at Bluesoft Design, we have helped countless business owners reach their dreams by connecting them to the internet and optimizing their websites for search engines. Get in touch with us today to learn how you can start generating more sales for your product, views for your business, and so on. 

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