What Is Organic SEO? How Does It Help Me?

web design agencyDigital marketing companies use a variety of strategies to appeal to new consumers. One of the best ways to grow a following and improve your domain rating is through the use of organic SEO, otherwise known as organic search engine optimization.


But what makes an SEO strategy organic? Here’s everything you need to know about increasing your web traffic and getting more hits on Google.


What is SEO?


Search engine optimization is one strategy to optimize your web pages and content, including HTML and copy, in order to get higher rankings on Google. For example, instead of finding your website on the third or fourth page, a website that utilizes a viable organic SEO strategy will be found on the first or second pages. Since people rarely go past the first page in Google, this means your online traffic is likely to increase.


What makes it “organic?”


Organic SEO is a way to stand out among the competition through natural, honest strategies. Instead of using black hat SEO tactics like keyword stuffing, organic SEO takes time and more than a little patience. Organic SEO is most beneficial when you have strong, trustworthy content, a number of great backlinks from reputable sites, and HTML that’s open to Google crawling. The latter might include a meta tag for your onsite copy and a heading and a secondary title.


How can I improve my organic SEO?


Build your site’s copy in order to become a trustworthy website in your field. Websites with excellent copy are more likely to receive backlinks from other sites as you embark on a link building campaign. This will both improve your reputability and allow you to reach a wider consumer network.


But blogs are a great way to utilize keywords to their fullest. A few long-tail keywords spliced with geographically-driven keywords will help reach consumers that are looking for particular phrases or locations. Longform blogs serve as wonderful sources of information that are more likely to be shared among consumers than your website’s front page.


Use link building both on your own website and between other websites. Deep linking articles on your own site not only improves navigation but it looks good for Google. Backlinking, as explained earlier, allows you to form bonds with other websites and improve your business’ reputation online.


You should also improve your website’s design through a reliable web design agency before you embark on an organic SEO venture. You only have 10 seconds to leave a lasting impression on a consumer before they decide to stay or go, but the same can be said for the impression you make on other sites. Improving your website with the help of a great website design company can make your digital marketing strategy all the more successful.

When you want to improve your website’s organic SEO strategy, contact the digital marketing and web design agency you can trust: with Bluesoft Design, you never need to worry about falling into illegal black hat tactics. We can help improve your website design and work on your Shopify eCommerce development.

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