Digital Marketing in a Covid-19 World

It seems we are living a more virtual life now than ever.

Covid-19 has changed the way we live, work, eat, and play. During these times, many sites are seeing increased traffic and digital marketing is trying to keep up with this trend. Agencies are trying to understand how to adapt to these changes while understanding how to adapt to the changing world. 

So how do we adjust online marketing techniques to reflect these changes?

home digital marketing space

Stay Adaptable

With everything changing at the blink of an eye, it is a good idea to stay adaptable. What may have worked before may not work now, and that needs to be recognized. Real-time data is the easiest way to see what is and what isn’t working. 

Refine your digital marketing strategy around what your visitors value when they come to your site. While it may seem like companies have to change up digital marketing techniques at the drop of a hat, this can also be a time to challenge your creativity. 

Check Your Data Regularly

If you don’t have the technology for these insights then now is the time to upgrade. Companies who embrace technology during these times will be more likely to succeed than others who are less adaptable and not willing to change.

Optimize Your Website

Do you have a web design that is optimized for increased traffic and mobile users? Do you have old or outdated code on your site? Are there bugs in your mobile platforms? Do you need to create an app for a more user friendly experience? These are all things to consider when optimizing your website.

While adapting your site on the backend, check the site from the client’s perspective to ensure the user experience is smooth from start to finish. Now more than ever, people are shopping online. The last thing a potential client needs is a difficult checkout process or to get sent to an error page. It’s frustrating. Make sure your site is up to date and a smooth user experience from start to finish.

computer showing code for web design

Increase Online Engagement

In a world where we are isolated from one another, regular engagement with clients is important. This doesn’t mean meeting with them regularly on Zoom calls — although that can be beneficial — but engaging with them through social media.

Online engagement can happen through blog posts, Facebook live, giveaways, relevant hashtags, and regularly interacting on Twitter. In fact, Twitter has seen a 23% increase in users this past quarter. 

The biggest thing is to remember to be authentic in your online engagement. Don’t take advantage of the Covid-19 crisis just to rack up more views; instead, support your local community by interacting with members and using every day influencers to increase engagement on your site.

Adapt to a Changing Digital World

Even if things do go back to normal, what happens now with your digital marketing and web design will be remembered by clients, which means to stay positive. Now is the time to optimize your site, increase engagement, and check your data regularly.

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