8 Web Design Elements You Can’t Overlook

How Well Do You Know the Web Design Essentials

It’s never been easier to build and maintain a website, and this largely explains why most businesses operating today have some kind of online presence. And because high-powered websites are valuable in today’s global marketplace, businesses have found incredible success in using websites to colonize the far reaches of the Internet.

While it’s generally easy to maintain a website once it’s been constructed, you still should know which design practices are current so your website is always up to par and never out of date.

Don’t have the time to learn and stay current with the latest web design trends? Perhaps you should hire a professional team to assist you. But before doing this, read through the eight points below, all of which have to do with essential elements of website design. With a basic understanding of design, you’ll be able to make an informed decision regarding which option is best for you, DIY or professional assistance.

  1. Conversions Are Keyan image showing site conversion

When designing your website, keep conversions in mind. For example, make site navigation simple for visitors; a confused customer is likely to navigate away from your site before a transaction is ever conducted. Map out your site point by point to ensure there are no gaps. If you can, get volunteers to test and provide feedback on your site navigation; implement feedback accordingly.

Make sure major conversion points stand out, i.e. they’re bold, large, and visible without scrolling. And remember that clear calls to action are important for driving conversions. In the end, if you keep conversions in mind while designing, you’ll be setting yourself up for success.

  1. Readable Texts like San Serif Are Essential

On a high-quality website, every detail is continuously scrutinized so that maximum efficiency is never compromised. As far as texts are concerned, you should always be using san serif fonts, i.e. fonts that don’t include accents on the ends of letters. Helvetica and Arial are two time-tested san serif fonts that most websites employ today.

Serif fonts like Times New Roman don’t have to be disregarded completely, for these fonts are still ideal for headlines and branding. Don’t use more than three typefaces on your site, for including too many fonts can be disorienting.

The main thing you want to be focusing on is readability; if site visitors can read and digest your content without hassle, they’ll be inclined to purchase your products and/or services.

  1. Create a Blog

Most high-traffic websites include a blog, one managed by a competent SEO agency. Posting frequently on a blog can significantly boost SEO opportunities as well as help site visitors who want to know more about your products and/or services, trends specific to the industry you serve, and other bits of valuable, relevant information.

Make sure blog content is targeted to your audience and always written well. If you post well-written content on a frequent basis, you’ll establish much-needed credibility. And don’t forget to post about recent blog updates on your social media platforms.

  1. Routine Maintenance Is Necessaryan image showing maintainers with tools

Designing an excellent website isn’t enough, for consistent maintenance is required in order to ensure all the websites features and functions are working correctly. Additionally, there are new updates and technologies being introduced at an incredibly frequent rate, and your website could benefit significantly if you incorporate leading technologies, services, strategies, updates, etc.

But keeping up with what’s new is far from easy, and such is why many businesses leave this to the assistance of a professional agency. An SEO agency will know which new updates and strategies can improve your business, and they’ll be able to introduce as well as manage these additions for you.

  1. Use White Space Strategically

Since most site visitors don’t like clutter, it’s a good idea to use white space. Provide plenty of space between paragraphs and make sure there’s consistency with image overlay. Research has found that white space not only helps readability but comprehension as well; if site visitors are overwhelmed with text while viewing your pages, they’ll be less inclined to purchase your products and/or services.

Also, consider using single-column layouts if you want to effectively engage site visitors. The single-column layout promotes consistency as well as simplicity in a way that helps boost site traffic.

  1. Display Positive Reviews and Testimonials

Your business does a fantastic job! Best of all, you have satisfied customers to prove this! Why not feature positive reviews and testimonials on your website?

Customer reviews and testimonials are given a lot of credibility over the Internet, and while this can be both good and bad—depending on the reviews a business receives—one can speculate that the customer-review systems currently utilized by big companies like Google and Yelp are not going anywhere and destined to be part of the foreseeable future.

Don’t know how to get your  business’s positive reviews displayed on your website? Hire an SEO company to help you! These companies employ first-rate web designers who will be able to highlight your excellent work and commitment to quality service.

  1. Utilize a Visual Hierarchy

A key element of website design is placement: you have to place things in ways that are visually appealing and easily comprehensible to site visitors. Remember that features and important conversion points should always be first and foremost. If someone visiting your site is viewing one of your blog posts and they suddenly want to purchase one of your products or services, having some kind of “Shop” button to navigate them to your store is essential.

Site visitors are always going to be scrolling, so you should design your pages in ways that reveal content gradually without disrupting natural flow. Don’t know which strategies to employ? Consider contacting a trusted SEO company for assistance.

  1. Simplicity Is Keyan image of a posted note that says “Keep Things Simple”

Simplicity has been discussed broadly throughout this post, but here is where it should be discussed in depth why simplicity is such a critical aspect of website design.

Humans are visual creatures, which means they receive a lot of information through what they see. Additionally, humans are naturally inclined to favor consistency and organization, and there’s volumes of psychological research which backs this up.

The main point is that simplicity and success go hand in hand in the world of web design. If you want to drive traffic and sustain a high conversion rate, your website needs to be short, sweet, and to the point. Show site visitors what you have to offer, why you’re better than the competition, and most importantly why they need your offerings. If you can do this all without ever raising a single second of confusion, booming success is surely around the corner.

Where to Go for Expert Web Design Services

Looking for assistance with developing and maintaining a high-quality website? We here at Bluesoft design want to help you! We’re an experienced SEO agency based in New Jersey, one that has been helping clients achieve online success for years. If you’re looking for experts in web design, look no further. We’re available now and ready to help you!

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