What the 4 Most Successful Social Media Marketing Campaigns Teach Us

Creating a social media campaign isn’t as easy as coming up with a catchy post or hashtag. Other than a spark of creativity, a campaign should have relevancy in the pop culture, a hint of inspiration, and the ability to engage the audience.

There are many social media campaigns that have set the bar high. We’re counting down 4 such social media campaigns that made its mark:

Red Bull

When Red Bull launched their Summer Edition variant for the Australian market, they leveraged Instagram.

Their approach was simple; they marketed videos and pictures of summer activities with specific yellow filters to make the customers accustomed to the look of their new cans.

They also launched a #thissummer hashtag in order to engage customers and associate their brand to the celebration of summer.

The key takeaway? A brand can be powered entirely by social media through customer engagement. It is an important lesson how pop culture can be engineered with social media.


#MeToo campaign was started by the Tarana Burke in order to encourage individuals to speak up about their experiences of sexual harassment. The campaign went viral and quickly reached 1.7 million tweets throughout the world within no time.

It encouraged men and women to talk about a topic that was taboo. The success of this campaign indicates that people care about social change more than anything, which is why brands should touch important social issues if they want to communicate their brand values.


Following a controversy where Airbnb hosts were turning away guests based on discriminatory reasons, Airbnb launched their #WeAccept Campaign.

The campaign was hugely popular and is an incredible lesson in reputation management.

Rather than trying to fight the negativity, Airbnb joined the conversation and attempted to change the situation through a social media trending. Their hashtag received 33,000 tweets, and received a favorable response from different social media channels according to their own internal trackers.


If you want to learn about customer engagement on social media, then Buzzfeed’s Tasty is campaign to turn to.

Their idea to show 2-minute food recipes of tasty dishes on Facebook was quite innovative. The reasons for its popularity were that it had great content to start with, along with being short and tailor-made for their platform.

One of their videos received 34 million views within 24 hours, which is an indication of how successful this campaign was.

If you want your brand’s story to be as exciting, get in touch with us. We are the premier digital marketing agency in NJ, and provide complete digital transformation for businesses. Visit our website to learn more.

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